Trillium Twirl Spring Dance Camp
Welcome Back Caller Bob Isaacs
with Music By Toss the Possum
Join us April 25 - 27, 2025
at Clear Lake Camp in Dowling, Michigan
It’s a weekend of cool Contras, hot Squares, beautiful English Country Dance,
plus singing, music jams, workshops, and more!
Come Dance in Lovely Michigan April 25 - 27, 2025!
We had such a great time last year, that we asked caller Bob Isaacs to return for 2025. Bob is from New Jersey, and for many years has treated dancers across the US and Europe to his many creative dances, with clear teaching and spirited calling. Whether he is calling flowing contras, hot squares, or his famous grid squares, dancers are sure to enjoy a dance that is different and fun!
The hot music from Toss the Possum will keep your happy feet dancing all weekend. The band has been making the rounds to some of the very best dances over the past few years, and now they'll join us for their first Trillium Twirl! Check out this video of Bob Isaacs and Toss the Possum performing together last May 2024.
For Questions
Where is the Dance Located?
Clear Lake Camp, also called the Battle Creek Outdoor Education Center, is on M-37 about 16 miles north of Battle Creek. The 137 acres of fields and woods offer hiking, up-close nature, and canoeing on Clear Lake. Two bunkhouses provide sleeping rooms for men-only, women-only, and coed for couples, and separate showers for men and women. Tent and RV sites are available, but no water or electrical hookups. The main facility features two beautiful dance floors! **Please leave pets at home.**
We are now able to accept gifts and donations via a link to the secure PayPal website. As an IRS designated 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, your donation to Michigan Dance Heritage may be deductible. (Check with your tax advisor for any questions.) We can provide a printed receipt to you if you prefer. (Your emailed PayPal receipt also serves.)
Thank you for your generous support of traditional dance and music in Michigan! Know that your contributions go to the current and long-term viability of Michigan Dance Heritage, to assure we can continue to offer our fine dance weekends and programs.
David Baur, Committee Chair at dbaur@provide.net
Rita Chapman, Webmaster & Registrar at TrilliumTwirl@gmail.com
New for 2025!
Starting this year, the Full Weekend registration fee for dancers age 30+ is on a sliding scale starting at $225 up to $275 (or more.) Dancers who can afford to pay more are asked to register at the higher rate that is comfortable for you. This will assist dancers unable to afford the new rates to dance. It’s no secret that prices everywhere are going up, including for dances. If you are able to pay a higher amount, just use the pull-down menu to choose, on the registration page. Thank you for helping keep our dances affordable for all of us!
Full Weekend Registrations include:
Entrance to all dances and activities;
Lodging in one of the two dorms or Camping onsite in your own tent or RV;
All meals beginning with Saturday breakfast through Sunday lunch (plus we host a potluck dinner on Friday night);
Daily and evening snacks, plus a Sunday afternoon “farewell” ice cream social.