Co-chairs David Baur and Pat Micks
Treasurer Tom Alderman
Recorder Betsy Foote
Your membership helps support this organization and the Trillium Twirl and MDH Fall Camp. Please help us ensure that MDH Inc. continues this support and that it grows to meet new needs for new music and dance endeavors in the future.
To learn more about Michigan Dance Heritage, please contact
Why Join?
Michigan Dance Heritage, Inc, an all-volunteer 501-c-3 non-profit organization, is powered by our membership, and the existence of our dance and music weekends depends on us. An important benefit we enjoy as a non-profit is the ability to purchase the essential insurance for these weekend dance camps (from the Country Dance and Song Society.) Our MDH members serve as officers and governing board for MDH, Inc.
In 2019 we began revitalizing our structure. We have four new officers and we next aim to create our governing board and to grow our membership. Please contact David Baur or Pat Micks with questions, to learn more, and to volunteer. How can you help MDH Inc. grow, so together we can bring more joy in music and dance to more people!